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Hitchhiking with Bryce

October 3, 2009

So at the moment we are hitchhiking from Sacramento with Bryce, a local college student. A normal kid who loves racing hotrods and enjoys his farmland roots. He did just mention how he hates how people stop to look at pumpkins and corn. I witnessed this. I can understand his sediment.

We also got picked up from this guy Tabig from Sudan. I misjudged him at first. Made me think of a crack head from Florida. Lesson learned: Don’t judge a book from its cover. As we got out of his car the mechanical engineer with a PhD said: “Now you’ll remember your ten minutes in Davis as smoking a joint next to a train station, and passing a guy with a crazy face tattoo.” He was a pothead, not a crackhead. He was much more the sophisticated rasta type.

And before that, a reborn Christian guy picked us up. What was beautiful about this is he talked about synchonicity and intent, the same metaphysical ideas we have about the universe. But even with different terminology and root beliefs (ie with him god, with us the universe), we really could agree with the same ideals. It was an interesting meeting for all three of us indeed. He was the first person who believed and enjoyed when we shared our true hitchhiking philosophy of positive intent.